Awards of Excellence

2025 ContactNB Awards
of Excellence
Save the Date!
Fredericton, New Brunswick — April 9 2025
Announcing ContactNB's 2025 Awards of Excellence Gala, Conference & Trade Show!
Join us for a spectacular event in the heart of downtown Fredericton, New Brunswick! ContactNB is excited to announce the 2025 Awards of Excellence Gala, Conference & Trade Show at the stunning new Fredericton Convention Centre.
Event Details:
Awards of Excellence Gala: Wednesday, April 9th, 2025
Conference & Trade Show: Thursday, April 10th, 2025
Location: Fredericton Convention Centre, Downtown Fredericton, NB
Host Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn (connected by pedway to the convention centre) — hotel booking link coming soon!
Don't miss out on this beautiful evening of celebration, awards, networking, and sharing experiences with industry friends. This is a unique opportunity to connect with peers, gain insights, and honour excellence in our industry.
ContactNB is thrilled to host this event once again and we can't wait to see you all there! Mark your calendars now and prepare for an unforgettable experience!
We can't wait to see you there!
ContactNB is honoured and proud
to recognize the amazing work done by
our industry members and partners.
Master of Ceremonies:
Back by popular demand, we are thrilled to have the energetic,
entertaining, dynamic and fun Martin Latulippe! He will keep us all
on our toes throughout the evening as we celebrate the Symphony
of Success in our industry! Don’t miss out — get your tickets today.

2025 Host Hotel
The Hilton Garden Inn Fredericton is proud to be our host hotel for the 2025 ContactNB Awards of Excellence Gala, Conference & Trade Show. Please click the link to the right to reserve your room now with rates starting at $151/night for a regular room. Book early to avoid disappointment.
This rate is in effect only until March 5 2025, and not guaranteed if they sell out - reserve your room now!
2025 Event Details
4:30pm - 5:30pm: Cocktails
5:30pm - 10pm: Dinner & AwardsCash Bar (Credit/Debit cards accepted)
The suggested attire for the evening is “Classy Celebration”.
The colour theme is gold, black and white!
To be announced! Stay tuned here for details.
**Please notify us of any food allergies at least two weeks prior to the event. We will need the name of the individual and their specific dietary needs/allergies.
He’s BACK!
The amazing, funny and entertaining Martin Latulippe will keep us on our toes for the evening as our Master of Ceremonies. -
Nominations for the 2025 Awards of Excellence Gala will open January 1 2025 and will close February 27 2025. Submissions are based on business results, achievements, activities and accomplishments made in 2024.
Nomination Instructions
The following are the guidelines for nomination submissions. We encourage creativity in all submissions however we do ask you do follow some basic format guidelines in consideration of the judging panel.
To facilitate a fair and consistent judging process, all nomination submissions must be made in an electronic document format in Powerpoint format only, and a maximum of three slides. These submissions may include photos, presentations etc.
Please avoid too many flashy slide transitions.
Avoid slides that are too ‘wordy’! Work for brevity. Include only the most important information pertaining to the criterion you are addressing.
Judge the amount of time and resources you can put into your submission and apply for your strongest category/categories. A few excellent submissions will represent you better than a host of weaker ones.
Refining the submission: Review: ask team or colleagues to review; ask the most critical person you know. Refine: Improve rationale, design, methods; highlight key points; copy-edit and proofread.
Finalizing: Is the submission easy to read? Are the key points obvious? Is there sufficient white space? Is the formatting pleasing? Is the proposal text error-free? Be sure to name your electronic document submissions with the submission category and the name of your organization. Send it in on time! Ensure that all submissions are received by the posted deadlines. Verify receipt of electronic submissions.
Entries must be received by the end of the day on February 27, 2025. Submissions shall be emailed to ContactNBassociation@gmail.com.
How to Apply?
Submit your submission presentation (one per category) in MS PowerPoint format (maximum of THREE slides), demonstrating excellence and best practices taking the above guidelines into consideration. All documentation should be submitted electronically via email to ContactNBassociation@gmail.com.
Table placement is determined by the date of registration and/or level of sponsorship.
If purchased before Feb 1 2025:
Single Ticket: $175
Full Table of Eight**: $1,200
Full Table of Ten**: $1,500
If purchased after Feb 1 2025:
Single Ticket: $200
Full Table of Eight**: $1,500
Full Table of Ten**: $1,875
** Purchase one full table of eight or ten at the regular price, and receive a 10% discount off of any subsequent tables of eight or ten that you purchase prior to the Early Bird cutoff of Feb 1 2025.
Purchase of three full tables of eight or ten shall be recognized as Bronze level sponsorship.
*All charges subject to HST*
To reserve your table at the 2025 Awards of Excellence, please go back to the main Awards page here on our website and click on the Registration link!
Whether you are one of our member contact centres, a partner, a vendor or supplier to the contact centre industry, you can show your support for this gala event through a number of levels of sponsorship. The event draws more than 200 attendees and is a great way for your company to get exposure to the prestigious companies and attendees at this event.
(Please note, your sponsorship covers BOTH our Awards of Excellence Gala and our Conference & Trade Show)
· ContactNB Member or Partner: $8,000 (early bird: $7,000 if paid by Dec 31 2024)
· Non-Member: $10,000 (early bird: $9,000 if paid by Dec 31 2024)
· Includes 6 delegate passes to the conference
· We will share a two-minute promotion video for your company on our internal and external social media
· You will be invited to the stage during our opening meeting to introduce your company, product or service for up to three minutes
· Large 20’ x 10’ booth in our trade show, preferred location
· A list of conference delegates will be provided to you immediately following the event
· Opportunity to host a speaking session at the conference (based on availability)
· A full table of 8 seats at our ContactNB Awards of Excellence Gala
· Opportunity to present an award at the Gala
· Your company logo featured at the events, in promotions, on social media and on the ContactNB website
· One-year partner membership with ContactNB, or one-year contact centre membership (up to $700)
· ContactNB Member or Partner: $6,000 (early bird: $5,000 if paid by Dec 31 2024)
· Non-Member: $8,000 (early bird: $7,000 if paid by Dec 31 2024)
· Includes 4 delegate passes to the conference
· We will share a one-minute promotion video for your company on our internal and external social media
· You will be invited to the stage during our opening meeting to introduce your company, product or service for up to one minute
· 10’ x 10’ booth in our trade show
· A half table - 4 seats at our ContactNB Awards of Excellence Gala
· Opportunity to present an award at the Gala
Your company logo featured at the events, in promotions, on social media and on the ContactNB website
· ContactNB Member or Partner: $4,000 (early bird: $3,000 if paid by Dec 31 2024)
· Non-Member: $6,000 (early bird: $5,000 if paid by Dec 31 2024)
· Includes 2 delegate passes to the conference
· 2 seats at our ContactNB Awards of Excellence Gala
· We will share a one-minute promotion video for your company on our internal and external social media
· Your company logo featured at the events, in promotions, on social media and on the ContactNB website
Other Sponsorship Opportunities
*all sponsorships under this category will be verbally thanked during the Awards of Excellence Gala
Table Wine Sponsor - $3000
Attendee Take-Home Gifts - $2500
Photographer Sponsor - $1000
To become an Event Sponsor, email ContactNBassociation@gmail.com. We are grateful for your support!

2025 ContactNB Awards of Excellence Sponsors
We are grateful for the support of our sponsors for this event and our industry.
Watch this space as our sponsor list grows! For 2025 event sponsorship information, reach out to us at ContactNBassociation@gmail.com.

Award Categories
Submissions will be judged in up to three categories: Smaller Centres, Larger Centres and Partners.
The categories shall be determined by the number of submissions received.
The judging panel may choose to award more than one winner per category if they feel more than one submission warrants recognition.
Award Categories
The Development Excellence award recognizes a contact centre or partner that demonstrates a dedication to developing the skills of its workforce and that provides opportunity for industry advancement and future growth.
What tools are used to communicate new information to your workforce?
Do you have a communication process and if so, please describe?
Training programs
What training programs do you have?
What strategies are used to ensure that the information is delivered effectively?
How do you measure the effectiveness of the program?
Please provide actual vs. planned results for this past year.
Coaching Strategies
What coaching strategies do you employ?
How do you measure the outcomes and success of these strategies.
How do you coach your coaches?
The Digital Innovation award recognizes a contact centre or partner that has employed new or enhanced technology, processes, reporting and/or organizational change in order to improve their customer and/or employee experience.
Positive Change to the business affecting customers and/or employees of your company
What new technology, process improvement or organizational change have you made at your business? Please provide details and indicate how these initiatives positively impacted your company.Communication
What tools are used to communicate new information to your workforce?
How does your company use Social Media platforms today?
What new digital tools have you deployed in your company and what benefits have they derived?
How do you leverage these tools?
The Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Award recognizes a contact centre or partner's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts that have made significant contributions in these areas.
Leadership Commitment:
Demonstrated commitment to DEI from senior leadership.
Policies and statements from leadership that support DEI initiatives.
Diverse Workforce:
Workforce demographics that reflect diversity in terms of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, and other relevant factors.
Active recruitment strategies to attract diverse talent.
Inclusive Culture:
Evidence of an inclusive workplace culture where all employees feel valued and respected.
Employee resource groups or affinity networks that support underrepresented groups.
Equitable Practices:
Equitable hiring, promotion, and compensation practices.
Programs and policies that address pay equity and career advancement for underrepresented groups.
Training and Education
Regular DEI training for employees at all levels, including leadership.
Educational programs that promote awareness and understanding of DEI issues.
Community Engagement
Involvement in community initiatives that support diversity and inclusion.
Partnerships with organizations that promote DEI.
Measurement and Accountability
Systems in place to measure and track DEI progress and outcomes.
Transparent reporting on DEI metrics and goals.
Innovation in DEI
Creative and effective DEI programs or initiatives that go beyond standard practices.
Efforts that have led to measurable improvements in DEI within the company.
Employee Feedback
Positive feedback from employees regarding the company’s DEI efforts.
Surveys or other mechanisms that capture employee perceptions of DEI in the workplace.
Sustainability of Efforts
Long-term commitment to DEI with sustainable practices.
Demonstrated progress over time in improving DEI within the organization.
These criteria can help evaluate a company’s DEI efforts comprehensively, ensuring that the award recognizes true leadership and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
The Economic Growth and Employment Opportunities Award recognizes the economic impacts that our member centres and partners have within our province and recognizes the career growth opportunities that these companies offer to their employees.
Describe the economic impacts that your centre has within the community.
Some items to consider but not limited to:
What are the Economic Impacts that your business has on the local economy?
What steps are you taking to ensure that you are creating Long Term Employment opportunities in New Brunswick?
Do employees feel that there are options available for Career Growth and Development?
Economic Impacts
How many people are employed in your centre compared to the size of your community?
How many net new jobs were created in the past year compared to previous years within your centre?
What are the secondary impacts that your centre has to your local economy: impacts such as hiring local service partners or using local businesses for company events?
How does your centre handle issues of equal opportunity and pay equity across gender and minority groups?
Long Term Employment
What is the average tenure of employees?
How has your attrition rate improved last year compared to previous years?
How are you ensuring that employees stay engaged in their career?
Career Growth and Development
What opportunities are available to employees, focusing on career growth?
Are employees able to apply for jobs within the company, including ones that may be outside of the contact centre environment?
Do employees feel that they have the resources to develop and work towards their career goals?
The Elevate Your Community award recognizes outstanding voluntary contributions made by a member contact centre or partner to the citizens of New Brunswick. The award recipient is selected for demonstrating tremendous spirit and for enriching and uplifting both their workplace and their community.
Describe how your business serves and helps to elevate your local community?
If your business contributes to a particular organization(s), please indicate why and the need for your services in the community.
Please discuss specifically the impact of your company's service on elevating your community.
If the member or partner participated in fundraising activities, please indicate the financial contributions made to the community. It is beneficial to note the amount of fundraising dollars per capita in your business.Indicate how your business raised the funds for the organizations you supported.
Volunteer Efforts
Please describe volunteer efforts contributed. You may include total volunteer hours for this past year and discuss specific events your company supported.Employee Participation
What internal programs are available to foster employee involvement?
Please share with us how your team demonstrates the spirit of caring. -
The Employee of the Year award recognizes an employee from each contact centre member and partner organization who has a demonstrated a positive contribution to customer service, the workplace environment, performance management, and the community. An award is provided to one employee from each company in attendance at the Awards Gala. Each attending member and partner is eligible to give an Employee of the Year Award – it is not a competitive category.
Customer Care
How has the selected employee demonstrated quality customer care?
Workplace Environment
How has the selected employee positively impacted your workplace environment?
What leadership skills has the individual demonstrated among their peers?
Performance Excellence
How did this individual support your organization goals?
Is the individual involved in any activities/initiatives that positively impact quality and the business perspective?
Community Involvement
Is the employee actively involved in their community?
Does the individual participate in any community programs led by your company?
Nomination Submission
Please keep this submission to only one or two brief sentences that will be announced by our MC at the Awards Gala.
The Epic Employee Experience award recognizes a member or partner for cultivating a positive and rewarding environment that employees find empowering and uplifting. In summary, the elements measured are based on employee feedback regarding job satisfaction and career fulfillment.
Employee Feedback
Employee Relations Index (Survey)
Customer Service Focus
Workplace Environment
Please provide survey results that support positive impact on the above elements.
Job Opportunity Program
Do you have a job opportunity program?
Did your employee participation rate increase, this past year?
Overall, was there an increase in job opportunities this past year?
How do you promote job opportunity within your business?
Reward & Recognition Programs
Provide us with an outline of your recognition program?
How many people were recognized this year and how often are they recognized?
Turnover Analysis
What was your turnover this past year (cumulative)?
Do you have any strategies that you feel positively impact your turnover?
What activities/initiatives do you implement to reduce and prevent workplace injuries?
If there was a reduction in your workplace injuries, what were your percent improvement results?
Please describe the typical job set-up for your employees.
The Leader of the Year award recognizes a leadership team member from each contact centre member or partner organization who has demonstrated leadership, innovation, has had a positive impact on the workplace environment, has impacted performance management, and the community. An award is provided to one leader from each company in attendance at the Awards Gala. Each member centre and each partner is eligible to give a Leader of the Year Award – it is not a competitive category.
Please provide us with a photo of your leader of the year.
How has the selected leader demonstrated leadership skills that positively impact your centre?
How has the selected leader demonstrated their innovation?
Workplace Environment
How has the selected leader positively impacted your workplace environment?
Performance Excellence
How did this individual support your organization goals?
Is the individual involved in any activities/initiatives that positively impact quality and the business perspective?
Nomination Submission
Please keep this submission to only one or two brief sentences that will be announced by our MC at the Awards Gala.
Does your team provide truly Legendary Customer Care?? This award recognizes a member contact centre or partner for demonstrating effective strategies and processes that create a legendary customer service experience (for a contact centre, this applies to external customers only . For a partner, the customer must be a contact centre).
Customer Satisfaction Index
How does your company evaluate customer satisfaction?
Based on the elements used to measure customer satisfaction, please provide us with a general overview of your results and/or improvement results for this past year.
What improvements have been made to increase customer satisfaction? Please provide us with both the activities/initiatives used and the historical data to support those improvements.
Customer Feedback and Shout-Outs!
What are your customers saying?
What processes are in place to communicate customer feedback, including customer concerns and customer compliments?
Service Level
How does your business evaluate the level of efficiency necessary to respond to customer inquiries (e.g. average speed of answer, average handle time, etc.)
What strategies and goals were set and implemented this past year to positively impact efficiency? If there were improvements, please explain what unique approaches were used.
Commitment to Quality Assurance
What practices and technology have you employed to ensure the highest standard of quality in customer interactions, for example through quality monitoring and/or technology.
The Member/Partner Collaboration Award recognizes a member AND partner for a collaboration that has had a positive impact on employees, customers and/or business results for the member company.
Nominations may come from a partner or from a contact centre member - or both!
The Member/Partner collaboration has brought about positive change to the business affecting customers, employees or business results.
Explain the value of the product or service and how the strength of the collaboration with the customer has led to improved results.
The Environmental Impact award recognizes a contact centre or partner that has made a special effort to make a positive impact on the environment and to be environmentally friendly by implementing the three R’s of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle in their office environment.
Positive Environmental Impact
What new or ongoing environmental initiatives has your business participated in this past year? Please provide details and indicate how these initiatives positively impacted the environment.
The Wellbeing award recognizes a contact centre or partner that helps their employees enhance their personal and professional lives through a wide-ranging wellness program. The company effectively establishes and supports an infrastructure that will engage employees in adopting healthy behaviours and lifestyle changes.
Positive change to the business affecting employees personal and professional wellbeing through the promotion of health and wellness
What new or ongoing health and wellness initiatives have you made at your business? Please provide details and indicate how these initiatives positively impacted your employees and the company.
The Workforce Management award recognizes a contact centre or partner that has employed new, existing or enhanced technology, processes and/or organizational change in order to improve their customer and/or employee experience.
Positive Change to the business affecting customers and or employees of your company
What workforce management practices and tools have you employed to achieve of balance of level of service to your customers and work/life balance for your employees.
The Individual Member of the Year award recognizes an individual that has made a substantial contribution to the association, to the industry and to their community. The winner in this category will be chosen by ContactNB. The recipient must be a member of ContactNB in good standing for the current year. Input to ContactNB from other members, partners or members of the community are welcome.
How does the Member contribute to ContactNB? (i.e., joining committees, participating on our discussion forum, best practices sessions, panel discussions, answering member requests). How well does the Member represent themselves as a proud member of the contact centre community in New Brunswick?
The Partner of the Year award recognizes a ContactNB Partner that has made a substantial contribution to ContactNB and/or a member’s organization. The recipient must be a Partner of ContactNB in good standing for the current year. Nominations can come from the partner or a member centre. The winner in this category will be chosen by ContactNB.
Association Involvement
How does the Partner contribute to ContactNB? (i.e., joining committees, supporting our major events, participating on our discussion forum, best practices sessions and panel discussions)
Member Support
How does the Partner provide customer support to our member centres?
What unique support do they provide that sets them apart from other vendors used to support our member centres?
The Member Centre of the Year award recognizes a centre that has made a substantial contribution to the association, to their employees and to their community. The winner in this category will be chosen by ContactNB based on the sum of all nominations received. The recipient centre must be a member of ContactNB in good standing for the current year. Input from other members, partners or members of the community are welcome.
How does the Member Centre contribute to ContactNB? (i.e., joining committees, participating on our discussion forum, best practices sessions, panel discussions, answering member requests). How well does the Member Centre represent themselves as a proud member of the contact centre community in New Brunswick?
Congratulations to Our 2023 Award Winners!
2023 Awards of Excellence: Celebrating excellence in New Brunswick Contact Centres
(Results achieved in 2023, awards presented in May 2024)
Elevate Your Community
RBC Advice Centre
New Brunswick Community College
Positive Environmental Impact
TD Insurance (Saint John)
Atlantic Lottery
Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
Workforce Management
Atlantic Lottery
Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
ContactNB Contact Centre
Member of the Year
TD Insurance
Member/Partner Collaboration
CIBC with SwitchGear
TD Insurance, CIBC, Accor and Co-Operators with the New Brunswick Community College
Legendary Customer Care
Xplore, Tangerine
CIBC, Purolator
Digital Innovation
Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
New Brunswick Community College
ContactNB Partner of the Year
Economic Growth & Employment Opportunities
Stafford Communications
New Brunswick Community College
Epic Employee Experience
TD Insurance (Moncton)
Development Excellence
Medavie Blue Cross
RBC Advice Centre
New Brunswick Community College
ContactNB Individual Member of the Year
Naomi Eatmon, TD Insurance
2023 Employees of the Year (awarded May 2024)
Accor Global Reservation Centre
Anne-Marie Smith
New Brunswick Community College
Amber Arsenault
Alicia George
Nicole Robb
Marise LeBlanc
Atlantic Lottery
Desiree Strickland
Wade Smith
Emma Belcher
Medavie Blue Cross
Tracy Parker
Elaine Dixon
RBC Advice Centre
Rogers Communications Canada
Anna Mason
Jamie Miller
Bruno Theriault
Russell Bouchard
Stafford Communications
Isabelle Lavoie
Heather Legacy (Saint John)
Nikhil Ramparsad (Moncton)
TD Insurance
Johnathan Manuel
Wyndham Hotels & Resorts
Erica Brawn
Xplore Inc.
2023 Leaders of the Year (awarded May 2024)
Accor Global Reservation Centre
Isabelle Fournier
Mike Chamberland
Heather Davidson
Darlene Rand
Atlantic Lottery
Desiree Jelley
Cassandra Greenough
Courtney Crossman
Megan Flanigan
Medavie Blue Cross
Brenda Beal
Juanita Jensen
Janice Rooney
RBC Advice Centre
Rogers Communications Canada
Rick Stuart
DJ Winterburn
Jessica Rogers
Martin Gervais
Angela Carhart
Stafford Communications
Kevin Kanhukamwe
Victoria Melanson (Saint John)
Paul Robertson (Saint John)
Sara Field (Moncton)
TD Insurance
Scott Lawrence
Wyndham Hotels & Resorts
Jackie Kerr